生活就是回到家中,在餐桌上已布满可口菜肴之时,为父母打开一瓶葡萄酒,一边品味美酒家肴,一边闲聊家常… … 生活也是在与朋友共进晚餐之时,可以畅所欲言的张狂与喜悦,此时此刻,开瓶葡萄酒, 用其独特的滋味来记录下这美妙的点滴回忆…
餐前酒APERITIF,通常作为餐前饮用的酒精饮料,以刺激食欲,因此也称作开胃酒。餐前酒不仅是挑动味蕾的兴奋剂,还可以轻松营造优雅气氛,让人暂时告别忙碌的生活. CruItaly盛情邀请您 享受 由意大利葡萄酒专家精心为您挑选的餐前酒系列!
餐前酒APERITIF,通常作为餐前饮用的酒精饮料,以刺激食欲,因此也称作开胃酒。餐前酒不仅是挑动味蕾的兴奋剂,还可以轻松营造优雅气氛,让人暂时告别忙碌的生活. CruItaly盛情邀请您 享受 由意大利葡萄酒专家精心为您挑选的餐前酒系列!
婚礼是值得一生一世纪念的日子, CruItaly婚礼系列会让您更加难忘这一时刻!经意大利葡萄酒专家推荐的这一葡萄酒系列,其中有来自意大利顶级的只采用传统香槟法而闻名的小镇 Franciacorta, 而它所生产的气泡酒是可以和大师级香槟的优雅风范相媲美的佳酿。此推荐系列也包括由意大利权威葡萄酒指南杂志Gambero Rosso指定的一星级酒庄圣里昂那多酒庄Tenuta San Leonardo所提供的被誉为意大利东北部的西施佳雅Sassicaia的红葡萄酒。以此酒佐餐,与亲友分享您人生中的难忘时刻。
咖啡 Coffee
小付咖啡使用的是纯正的意大利进口咖啡豆——菲兹Filicori Zecchini作为原料。菲兹Filicori Zecchini于1919年诞生在意大利的博洛尼亚,以独特烘培技术著称的菲兹所生产的咖啡豆拥有最高的品质和最传统的香味。每颗咖啡豆都代表着独具匠心的制作手艺,带给您独一无二的高级咖啡体验。
In S.Cafe, we use authentic Italian coffee beans, Filicori Zecchini. Filicori Zecchini started in 1919, Bolognia, Italy. Filicori, very famous for its unique technique of baking coffee beans, is providing the world with the best quality of coffee beans. Each coffee bean represents the particular attentiveness of Filicori, which gives you the supreme experiences about coffee.
In S.Cafe, we use authentic Italian coffee beans, Filicori Zecchini. Filicori Zecchini started in 1919, Bolognia, Italy. Filicori, very famous for its unique technique of baking coffee beans, is providing the world with the best quality of coffee beans. Each coffee bean represents the particular attentiveness of Filicori, which gives you the supreme experiences about coffee.
菜品 Food
S.Cafe, inspired by the art and lifestyle of London, brings in the authentic Italian wine and food. As an experience coffee bar, S.Cafe is dedicated in promoting art and design.
S.Cafe, inspired by the art and lifestyle of London, brings in the authentic Italian wine and food. As an experience coffee bar, S.Cafe is dedicated in promoting art and design.
烘培食品 Bakery
S,Café offers various kinds of bread and cakes. We specially choose ingredients of high quality, and we never use any additives. We are aiming at doing bakery fresh every day, and combing the fabulous taste and health altogether into our products.
S,Café offers various kinds of bread and cakes. We specially choose ingredients of high quality, and we never use any additives. We are aiming at doing bakery fresh every day, and combing the fabulous taste and health altogether into our products.
红酒 Wine
In S.Cafe, there are 71 kinds of Italian wine from 16 chateaus. Focusing on high-quality wine, we bring in the wine that are rated by DOCG/DOC/IGT; Appreciating each drop of the wine, you will experience the honorable history of each chateau behind; Tasting the wine, you can sense the spirit and culture of Italy; Keeping moving forward, we are ready to update you with the latest new winery.
In S.Cafe, there are 71 kinds of Italian wine from 16 chateaus. Focusing on high-quality wine, we bring in the wine that are rated by DOCG/DOC/IGT; Appreciating each drop of the wine, you will experience the honorable history of each chateau behind; Tasting the wine, you can sense the spirit and culture of Italy; Keeping moving forward, we are ready to update you with the latest new winery.